What's new
- 2025/2/5
- ・Updated "Publications"

- ・The study about a gate stack formation on Ge using low-temperature ALD is accepted in Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. This work was performed by Mr. Aso.

- 2024/12/9
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Mr. Kuroeda, Mr. Takada, presented the researches at JSAP Kyushu Chapter Annual Meeting 2024 (Ryukyu Univ.)
- 2024/11/27
- ・The web address has been updated.
- 2024/11/25
- ・Updated "Member", "Schedule"
- 2024/10/25
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Mr. Kuwazuru, Mr. Aso, Ms. Nishizaki, Mr. Morimoto, Mr. Feng, and Prof. Yamamoto presented the researches at 15th International WorkShop on New Group IV Semiconductor Nanoelectronics (Tohoku Univ.)
- 2024/9/24
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Mr. Kuwazuru and Ms. Huang presented the researches at 2024 JSAP Autumn meeting at Niigata.
- ・Mr. Kuwazuru, Ms. Huang, Mr. Aso, Mr. Morimoto and Mr. Noda (National Institute of Technology, Ariake College) presented the researches at 2024 JSAP Autumn meeting at Niigata
- 2024/9/11
- ・D1 Ms. Huang received Young Reseacher Award in 「2024 International Conference on Solid State Device and Materials」LINK1,LINK2
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Mr. Kuwazuru, Ms. Huang, Mr. Aso, Ms. Nishizaki, Mr. Morimoto and Mr. Feng presented the researches at 2024 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2024) (Acrie Himeji).
- 2024/8/21
- ・Updated "Member"
- 2024/8/5
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2024/7/1
- ・Dr. Yamamoto is promoted to a full Professor of Kumamoto University.
We continue a collaborative researcher.
- ・Updated "Member", "Schedule"
- 2024/4/22
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・The study about a gate stack formation on Ge at low temperature is published in Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. This work was performed by Mr. Kuwazuru.LINK
- 2024/4/11
- ・Updated "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2024/4/9
- ・The study about a Ge-on-Insulator Fabrication is published in ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. This work was performed by Mr. Shimizu.LINK
- 2024/4/5
- ・The study about a Ge-on-Insulator Fabrication based on Ge-on-Nothing template is published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics and selected as "Spotlights 2024". This work is collaborative research with imec/Umicore. LINK
- 2024/4/1
- ・Updated "Member", "Publications", "Cooperative Research & External Funds", "Schedule"
- ・Old content has been reorganized.
- 2024/1/8
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・The study about a n-ch TFT on polycrystalline Ge is published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (SSDM special issue). This work was performed by Ms. Huang and it is collaborative research with Univ. of Tsukuba. LINK
- 2023/12/19
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Mr. Kuwazuru, Mr. Honda, Ms. Huang, and Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto presented the researches at 14th International WorkShop on New Group IV Semiconductor Nanoelectronics (Tohoku Univ.)
- ・Mr. Aso, Ms. Nishizaki, Mr. Morimoto, and Mr. Feng presented the researches at JSAP Kyushu Chapter Annual Meeting 2023 (Kyushu Univ.)
- 2023/12/11
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule">
- ・Mr. Kuwazuru presented the researches at Semiconductor Materials and Devices Forum 2023.
- 2023/11/1
- ・Updated "Member", "Link"
- 2023/10/27
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto, and Mr. Kuwazuru, presented the researches at IWDTF2023 (Kanazawa, Japan). Yamamoto's presentation is collaborative research with imec/Umicore.
- ・The study about a formation of a schottky junction on polycrystalline Ge was published in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. This work was performed by Dr. Moto and Mr. Takayama who is the graduated student. This is collaborative research with Univ. of Tsukuba LINK
- 2023/10/13
- ・Updated "Member", "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about the thermally oxidized yttrium gate dielectric and its defect on Ge as an invited presentation in 244th ECS meeting (Gothenburg, Sweden)
- 2023/9/26
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Mr. Kuwazuru and Ms. Huang presented the researches at 2023 JSAP Autumn meeting at Kumamoto. Ms. Huang's presentation is a collaborative research with Tsukuba Univ. Other collaborative researches with graduate school of information science and electrical engineering, Kyushu Univ. was also presented as a co-author.
- 2023/9/9
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Dr. Moto and Ms. Huang presented the researches at 2023 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2023) (Nagoya Congress Center). They are collaborative research with Tsukuba Univ. Other collaborative researches with graduate school of information science and electrical engineering, Kyushu Univ. and imec, Belgium were also presented as a co-author.
- 2023/8/8
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・The study about a Ge n-MOSFET with ferromagnetic S/D for spin MOSFET was published in Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. This work was performed by Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto and Mr. Matsuo who is the graduated student. This is collaborative research with Osaka Univ. and Tokyo City Univ.LINK
- 2023/7/30
- ・Updated "Members", "Publications"
- 2023/6/2
- ・Updated "Members", "Publications", "Access"
- ・Professors office and students office are moved to D-bldg., IGSES.
- ・Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto, Dr. Moto, and Mr. Shimizu, presented the researches at ISTDM-ICSI2023 (Como, Italy). They are collaborative research with imec/Umicore, Tsukuba Univ., and Nagoya Univ., respectively.
- 2023/4/11
- ・Updated "Members", "Publications"
- ・The study about the thermally oxidized yttrium gate dielectric and its defect on Ge was published in Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. This work was performed by Dr. Wen who was a previous staff and a graduated student. LINK
- 2023/4/5
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2023/4/3
- ・Dr. Wang is promoted to a Full Professor.
- ・Updated "Member", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2023/3/22
- ・Updated "Member", "Publications", "Schedule", "Equipments", "Recruit"
- ・Mr. NASU (M2) received "FY2022 IGSES award.
- ・Assoc. Prof. YAMAMOTO introduce GIC cleanroom at "IGSES seminor" on Mar. 24th. (in Japanese)
- 2023/2/3
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto as an invited speaker, Dr. Moto, Mr. Shimizu, Mr. Kuwazuru, and Ms. Huang presented the researches at 13th International Workshop on New Group IV Semiconductor Nanoelectronics(Tohoku Univ.) on Jan. 23th-24th.
- ・We held special lectures presented by invited speakers from imec, Belgium. Dr. Clement Porret (October 4th, 2022) and Dr. Roger Loo (January 25th, 2023)
- ・
Announcement of special seminor (written in Japanese) finished
- 2022/11/28
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Mr. Wang(Student), Kuwazuru, Honda, and Ms. Huang presented in JSAP Kyushu chapter meeting, 2022 (Oita Univ.)
- 2022/10/14
- ・Updated "Publications", "Member"
- ・Dr. Moto presented a study about the formation of the contact with low electron barrier height on poly-Ge at 2022 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2022).
- 2022/9/22
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Dr. Moto presented a study about the formation of the contact with low electron barrier height on poly-Ge, Mr. Shimizu presented a study about the fabrication of Schottky contact on GeSn, Mr. Takayama presented a study about Schottky barrier height control on poly-Ge, and Mr. Nasu presented the study about reduction of parasitic resistance for Ge n-MOSFET by introducing recessed channel structure at 2022 JSAP Autumn meeting at Tohoku Univ.
- 2022/9/16
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about the thermally oxidized yttrium gate dielectric and its defect on Ge at 9th Int. Symp. on Control of Semicond. (ISCSI-IX) at Nagoya Univ. (This study was performed by Dr. Wen who was a previous staff and a graduated student.)
- 2022/8/4
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about group IV semiconductor materials and devices as an invited talk, Mr. Shimizu presented the study about fabrication of Schottky contact on GeSn, Mr. Takayama presented the study about poly-Ge TFT and its Schottky contact, and Mr. Nasu presented about fabrication process for Ge devices at low temperature at IUMRS-ICYRAM 2022 at hospital campus, Kyushu Univ.
- ・Assoc. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about the gate stack and the MOSFET on 3C-SiC as an invited talk at "The 4th workshop on IoT widegap devices at an extream environment" organized by Aichi Science & Technology foundation.
- 2022/7/11
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2022/7/11
- ・Updated "Lab. Name", "Member", "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2022/6/16
- ・Dr. Yamamoto is promoted to an Associate Professor.
- ・Updated "Member"
- 2022/6/14
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Research article about 3C-SiC n-MOSFET is accepted in Applied Physics Express.LINK
- 2022/5/28
- ・
Now, we are recruiting summer internship students for 3rd-grade admission to the undergraduate school of engineering from the national college of technology (KOSEN).Detail (in Japanese)Closed on June 17th.
- 2022/4/16
- ・Updated "Member", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2022/4/1
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule", "Member", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- ・Assist. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about high mobility 3C-SiC n-MOSFET and its high temperature operation, and Mr. Shimizu presented the study about fabrication of Schottky contact on GeSn in 2022 JSAP spring meeting.
- 2022/1/27
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Mr. Nagamatsu, Takayama, and Nasu presented in JSAP Kyushu chapter meeting, 2021 (online.)
- ・Mr. Nagamatsu presented in 12th Semiconductor Material and Device Forum (SMDF) (online.)
- 2021/12/11
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Mr. Takayama (M2) received JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award at "JSAP Kyushu chapter meeting, 2021 (online.)"
- 2021/11/15
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Assist. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about high mobility 3C-SiC n-MOSFET and its high temperature operation in 2021 International Workshop on DIELECTRIC THIN FILMS FOR FUTURE ELECTRON DEVICES (online).
- 2021/10/14
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Research article about Sn incorporation effect into polycrystalline Ge TFT is published in IEEE Electron Device Letters. LINK
- ・Assist. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about fabrication of Ge-on-Insulator by Smart-CutTM technique and its applications for electronics and optelectronics as an invited presentation in 240th ECS meeting (online). ECS transactions
- 2021/10/1
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2021/9/22
- ・Updated "Schedule", "Cooperative Research & External Funds", "Publications"
- ・Dr. Moto presented the study about the effect of Sn doping effect in for the performance of poly-Ge TFT, Mr. Matsuo presented the studies about establishment of low temperature fabrication process for Ge spin MOSFET and current drivability enhancement for metal S/D Ge n-MOSFET with recessed channel structure in 2021 JSAP autumn meeting (online).
- ・Assist. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about Ge gate stack fabricated at low temperature, Dr. Moto presented the study about the effect of Sn doping effect in for the performance of poly-Ge TFT in 2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2021, online).
- 2021/8/5
- ・Updated "Schedule", "Equipments", "Publications"
- 2021/6/22
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2021/6/1
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Assist. Prof. Yamamoto presented the study about Schottky barrier height control at metal/Ge structure as an invited presentation in 239th ECS meeting (online).ECS transactions
- 2021/4/26
- ・Updated "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- ・The web address has been updated.
- 2021/4/15
- ・Updated "Member"
- 2021/4/1
- ・Updated "Member", "Schedule", "Cooperative Research & External Funds", "Publications"
- ・Mr. Shimizu (M2) received "FY2020 ASEM award
- ・Prof. Nakashima retired on March 31. Assoc. Prof. Wang and Assist. Prof. Yamamoto take over the research topics and research environment.
- 2021/3/17
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Prof. Nakashima presented the study about border trap evaluation for the gate stack on Ge as an invited presentation in 26th Workshop on Electron Device Interface Technology (online).
- 2020/10/27
- ・Updated "Link"
- 2020/10/9
- ・Updated "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2020/10/5
- ・Updated "Member"
- ・Prof. Nakashima presented the study about border trap evaluation for the gate stack on Ge and MOSFET mobility as an invited presentation, Dr. Moto presented the study about the effect of Sn doping effect for the performance of poly-Ge TFT, and Mr. Shimizu presented the study about Ge-on-Insulator fabrication in PRiME2020 concerence (online). ECS transactions (Nakashima)
- ・Mr. Kanakogi presented the study about fabrication of high quality Ge gate stack in 2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2020, online).
- 2020/9/16
- ・Updated "Schedule", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2020/9/10
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2020/8/5
- ・VR movie of our clean room is uploaded in Youtube (in Japanese)
- ・Updated "Member", "Schedule"
- 2020/7/18
- ・School of Engeneering, Kyushu Univ. on-line open campus is held on August 1st-2nd.
- ・Updated "Member", "Schedule"
- 2020/6/16
- ・Research article about border trap evaluation for the gate stack on Ge and Ge MOSFET by Ms. Wen is published in AIP advances. LINK
- ・Linked our website in The Group IV Semiconductors Materials and Devices.
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule", "Link"
- 2020/4/7
- ・Mr. Oka (M2) received "FY2019 ASEM award
- ・Updated "Member", "Schedule", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2020/3/2
- ・Updated "Equipments"
- ・Research article about gate stack on 3C-SiC by Mr. Oka is published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. LINK
- 2019/12/26
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Ms. Wen presented the study about border trap evaluation for the gate stack on Ge and Ge MOSFET in 8th International Symposium on Control of Semiconductor Interfaces held in Sendai.
- ・11th Semiconductor Materials and Devices forum was held in Chikusi campus. Prof. Nakashima presented keynote speech and Mr. Oka presented oral presentation.
- 2019/11/5
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Conference proceedings about fabrication of GOI written by Dr. Yamamoto is published in ECS transactions. LINK
- ・Prof. Nakashima presented the study about border trap evaluation for the gate stack on Ge in 236th ECS meeting in Atlanta, GA, US. The proceedings is published in ECS transactions. LINK
- 2019/10/3
- ・Updated "Member", "Schedule"
- 2019/9/23
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"/dd>
- ・Ms. Wen presented the study about border trap evaluation for the gate stack on Ge, Mr. Iseri presented the study about fabrication of Ge gate stack at low tempereture, Mr. Oka and Dr. Yamamoto presented the study about 3C-SiC gate stack in 2019 JSAP autumn meeting in Hokkaido University.
- ・Mr. Iseri presented the study about fabrication of Ge gate stack at low tempereture and Mr. Oka presented the study about internal charge analysis in 3C-SiC gate stack in 2019 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2019) in Nagoya University.
- 2019/7/19
- ・Updated "Schedule", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2019/6/10
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Dr. Yamamoto presented the study about Ge-on-Insulator fabrication and Ms. Wen presented the study about border trap evaluation for the gate stack on Ge in 2nd Joint ISTDM / ICSI 2019 Conference held in Madison, Wisconsin, US.
- ・Research article about Ge-polycrystalline TFT on glass substrate is published in Applied Physics Letters.LINK
- 2019/5/7
- ・Updated "Member", "Schedule", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2019/3/27
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Mr. Xue Feida received JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award at "JSAP Kyushu chapter meeting, 2018 (Fukuoka Univ.)"
- ・Research article about Ge transistors on GOI substrate written by Dr. Yamamoto and Mr. Nakae is published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.LINK
- ・Research article about Ge electroluminecence device on GOI substrate written by Dr. Maekura is published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.LINK
- 2018/12/10
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2018/11/30
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2018/10/19
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2018/9/14
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2018/7/4
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2018/4/10
- ・Updated "Member", "Publications", "Cooperative Research & External Funds", "Schedule"
- ・Mr. Tanaka (M2) received "FY2017 ASEM award
- 2018/2/1
- ・Updated "Publications", "Link"
- 2018/2/1
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2017/10/18
- ・Updated "Member", "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2017/9/28
- ・Updated "Publications"
- ・Ms. Wen (M2) received "FY2017 IGSES award"
- 2017/8/16
- ・Updated "Publications(2016)", "Schedule"
- 2017/7/12
- ・Mr. Maekura (D2) received bronze prize in "student poster session in Kyushu University Education Reform Symposium 2017"
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2017/5/29
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2017/3/30
- ・Updated "Member", "Cooperative Research & External Funds", "Publications"
- 2017/3/30
- ・Updated "Member", "Publications", "Equipuments", "Schedule"
- ・Mr. Okamoto (M2) received "FY2016 IGSES award" and Mr. Oda (M2) received "FY2016 ASEM award"
- 2017/2/20
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2016/1/25
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- ・Mr. Motoyama received JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award at "The 20th JSAP Kyushu chapter meeting, 2016 (Tshushima civic center, Nagasaki Pref.)"
- 2016/12/6
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2016/11/18
- ・Mr. Nagatomi and Mr. Okamoto received JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award at "The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016 (Toki messe, Nigata Pref.)"
- 2016/11/17
- ・On 1st October, "Art, Science, and Technology center for Cooperative researc (KASTEC)" was reorganized to "Global Innovation Center (GIC). New assainment of Nakashima Lab. in GIC is "Advanced project devision, Functional device field."
- ・Mr. Okamoto received Best oral presentation award at "8th Semiconductor Materials and Devices Forum"
- ・Dr. Yamamoto's affiliation changed on 1st Nov."
- ・Updated "Research", "Publications", "Member", "Schedule", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2016/9/23
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2016/7/26
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2016/6/14
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2016/5/2
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2016/4/19
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2016/4/14
- ・Updated "Member"
- 2016/4/5
- ・Updated "Schedule", "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2016/3/29
- ・Updated "Equipments"
- 2016/3/28
- ・The laboratory name was changed because of Assoc. Prof. Wang moved to the new affiliation
- ・Mr. Maekura received ASEM award
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2016/3/18
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2016/3/3
- ・Updated "Member"
- 2016/2/2
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2016/1/19
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2015/12/24
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2015/11/25
- ・Mr. Tateyama received poster award at "7th Semiconductor Materials and Devices Forum"
- 2015/11/18
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2015/11/5
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2015/10/8
- ・Updated "Publications", "Member"
- 2015/9/17
- ・Updated "Publications", "Schedule"
- 2015/8/4
- ・Updated "Cooperative Research & External Funds"
- 2015/6/22
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2015/6/18
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2015/5/26
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2015/4/13
- ・Updated "Research", "Member", "Publications", "Cooperative Research & External Funds", "Schedule", and "Link"
- ・Mr. Nagoka (graduated in March) received ASEM award
- 2015/3/18
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2015/3/10
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2015/3/5
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2015/3/3
- ・Updated "Publications" and "Equipments"
- 2015/1/9
- ・Mr. Nagatomi received poster award at "6th Semiconductor Materials and Devices Forum"
- ・Mr. Tanaka received Presentation award at "Kyushu Chapter,The Japan Society of Applied Physics"
- 2014/12/10
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2014/11/20
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2014/10/20
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2014/9/29
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2014/7/8
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2014/6/20
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2014/6/9
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2014/4/17
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2014/4/9
- ・Updated "member"
- 2014/4/4
- ・Updated "Publications & External funds"
- 2014/3/28
- ・Updated "Publications & member"
- 2014/2/27
- ・Updated "Schedule"
- 2014/2/10
- ・Updated "Publications"
- 2013/11/27
- ・Mr. Nagaoka received poster award at "5th Semiconductor Materials and Devices Forum"
- ・Updated "Research & message", Publications", "Schedule"
- 2013/11/15
- Renewal