KOINE Project Division

This division provides to create new research platforms based on open innovation specified by KOINE concept at Kyushu University, where academia, industry and governmental organizations can collaborate together. KOINE is an abbreviation of Kyudai (Kyushu University’s) global Open Innovation Network Engine one hand, but actually KOINE is an English word originated from ancient Greek, which represents common language. KOINE division aims to create new research fields as well as industries based on KOINE or common idea and core technology, which is brought from the discussion among people with different backgrounds joining from inside and outside of Kyushu University.


NanoFactory research platform :
Establishment of Nano-Scale 3D Fabrication technology
by Divisional Director / Prof. Yuichi Harada
Smart Community research platform :
Regional circulation symbiotic system on food, energy, and information
by Divisional Director / Prof. Yuichi Harada
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